Events & Conferences

Easy-to-Use, Powerful Technology to Deliver Virtual & Hybrid Events

Digital event strategies expand the attendee audience and improve ROI for sponsors and exhibitors. They don't have the space/time limitations of live events, can engage audiences longer, are less expensive to stage, and deliver all of the benefits you would expect in a live or virtual event.

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Everything you need to create a digital event strategy

A Complete Solution for Virtual Events

Cloud Conventions is the only technology you will need to register and onboard attendees, encourage them to connect, interact & learn, and ensure that their privacy is respected. The platform gives companies more ways to showcase their brand, promote products, attract attendees, create calls to action and generate leads.

Streamline managing and delivering sessions and take advantage of Zoom and BlueJeans integration to automate setup, attendance and tracking. Host on-demand and recorded sessions and track attendance for analysis or continuing education (CE) credits.

Manage the virtual event easily without special technical skills and use the Cloud Conventions team to guide your strategy or help stage your event.

Customize pages, payment and approval process.  Or use one of our integrations with external systems.

Customized for attendees and sponsors. Include ads, videos, navigational tiles, profiles & privacy.

Searchable directories, messaging, discussion forums. Find and connect.

Integrated with Zoom and BlueJeans.  iFrame right on the platform.

Automate signup, notifications and reminders. Cap attendance and offer a waitlist.

Virtual booths, resource centers, directories, advertising, and reporting.

Automated notifications and reminders.  Custom messages and newsletters.

Scavenger hunts and contests.  Collect points an redeem for prizes. Add to sponsorships.

Site messages alert attendees of upcoming activities.  Schedule to appear.

Serve a global audience with translations in 100+ languages.

Segment access by attendee type.  Attendees have a privacy center to opt-out of directories and messaging.

Track activity and displayed in detailed reports.  Provide reporting to exhibitors and sponsors.

Featured Customers

Have a live event and need a virtual back up?

Learn about our SafetyNet program and have a virtual event platform on standby if event attendance declines or cancellation concerns arise.

The Virtual & Hybrid Event Outlook for Associations

In 2020 associations had to cancel their in-person conferences and pivot to everything from webinars to multi-day virtual conferences. Virtual events proved to be a game changer to increase attendance, promote member engagement and generate revenue outside of membership fees. 

Read the eBook

The Best Insurance for Events

Everyone wants to get back to in-person, but nobody wants a repeat of 2020, where events had to scramble at the last minute to try and salvage attendance, content, and revenue.

Make sure you are ready to stage your event no matter what the circumstances!

Listen to our podcast

Get in touch and we'll help you created a digital event strategy!